When most people think about chiropractic care, they often think about the joint popping sound, as known as “bone cracking”. Many people, including health professionals, have all sorts of misconceptions about this popping sound, so let’s set the record straight.
Chiropractic adjustments help improve spinal function.
The popping sound is simply the formation of gas within a joint, and it’s no more significant than any other gas released from the body.
“The popping sound in chiropractic care does not matter at all. Whether or not you hear it makes absolutely no difference to the adjustment’s effectiveness”, 2 3
Several research studies have examined whether adjustments with the popping sound resulted in better patient outcomes, and all these studies show that it makes no difference whether or not there was a popping sound. All it really means is that the chiropractor adjusted you very quickly. We know that higher adjustment speed means better outcomes, and silent adjustments with ultra-fast speed techniques, like proper Activator Methods, if they improve spinal function, are just as effective as loud popping ones.
What Actually Happens When Joints Get Cracked?
There have been various theories about the popping sound in joints. Some believed it was caused by tendons snapping over a joint, bones being repositioned, or the snapping of adhesions or scar tissue. Recently, a fascinating study investigated what actually happens in a joint during these popping sounds. Researchers used video magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to observe a person’s finger joint as it was pulled until the knuckle made the popping sound. They attached a cable to the finger and slowly pulled it while recording the process with video MRI. Using computer software, they measured the space between the joint surfaces before and after the crack. The study found that the joints stayed close together in the early stages of pulling, but when the force became strong enough, the joint quickly separated, and a bubble formed, causing the popping sound.
Similar to Opening a Champagne Bottle
This indicates that the popping sound you hear when a chiropractor adjusts you is simply a change in state between liquid and gas within a joint. This phenomenon is called tribonucleation, similar to what happens when you open a champagne bottle but occurs in an enclosed joint space. Initially, the popping sound was thought to be associated with unhealthy joints. However, as early as the 1930s, scientists showed that it also occurs in perfectly healthy joints.
Getting an Adjustment
So, keep in mind next time you get adjusted by your chiropractor that the popping sound doesn’t have anything to do with realigning your spine. Instead, it is simply gas bubbles forming within a joint as your adjustment separates two joint surfaces that are close together. For more information about chiropractic adjustments, contact us today. CONTACT US
Disclaimer: Our educational content is not meant to replace your medical treatment. Always seek professional advice for your health-related issues.
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